Sunday, April 2, 2017

Fortunate Timing

After Friday's lab meeting I discussed the IRB's response to our amendment. There were 4 overall issues with the amendment that were brought up by the IRB that needed to be either clarified or changed.

The first two were pretty straightforward and easy. One asked for a change to the consent from to reflect me joining data collection. The other asked whether or not we would conduct the short term data collection on the control group.

The other two were a little bit more tricky. One of them asked about two adults supervising me while I would collect data and what their qualifications are. We discussed this amendment over for a bit and tried to figure out who could be there to watch me. I glanced over at the last issue and it asked for a consent from parents "for their 'minor' child's engagement in research." The word minor suddenly made me realize that they were asking for adult supervision because they thought I'm under 18. At the time that we submitted the amendment I was a minor but I happened to have turned 18 about 3 days ago!

I told Dr. Birkett and she said that now I won't have to deal with getting a consent form signed by my parents and we won't need to find two adults to supervise me anymore. She plans on calling the IRB to confirm and it should all be sorted out by next week.

I plan on learning how to use PEBL from Ashley within the next few days so I can be ready for my first data collection next Sunday the 9th. We also looked ahead and planned data collection on the 11th, 13th, 16th, 18th, and 20th of April. I expect to be able to collect data on almost all these days so I should have all of my data about 2.5 weeks before my final project presentation.

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